Art or Child Pornography ?

 With many web sites using the current interpretation of child pornography and art laws to their advantage. The question has to be asked if the images of naked children are truly Art , or soft pornography. The pictures found on many of these so called art sites are far more explicit than most of the pictures in say Playboy magazine. And in all fairness no one has ever claimed that Playboy is an art publication. 

  The other thing to take into consideration is that many of these sites have explicit links to hard core porn sites , mixed with the pictures of the naked children. So if the context , or over all feel of the site is taken into consideration , then many of these so called art pictures , are being hosted on porn sites. Which begs the question , if Playboy magazine had an 8 year old centerfold (and Im not saying they would, but) , would this not constitute child pornography. So if a porn site hosts pictures of naked children, would this not also make the pictures , pornography. Whether the pictures were originally art or not is not the question here, but how the pictures are used is. I acknowledge that there may be some true art sites out there that may feature naked children, and as long as there is no mention of porn or any adult links , concede that these sites may have a legitimate reason for existing .

  I am not aware of any legal challenge to many of these so called art sites, but I believe that   a legal challenge could and would be successful on the grounds of over all context. If it looks like a porn site , if it links to porn sites , and if it claims to have child porn , then I believe that  the site is in deed a kiddy porn site , and should be prosecuted as such .  A legal challenge of this magnitude would cost  hundreds of thousands, and the CP industry is currently earning millions of dollars each year , and would most likely come to the defense of current interpretations of the laws concerning art and naked children.

   Pedophilehunters is deeply concerned with the use and abuse of the current interpretation of the laws as they stand. We believe that  these so called art pictures , many taken by child pornographers , are being used to desensitize the community at large , to the plight of children being used to make this material, and the broader picture , of child abuse. When we as a community cannot come together long enough to put an end to this kind of child abuse , because we are no longer outraged by it, what will we find as acceptable behavior 10 years from now? I personally don't even want to think about such things.   It is my hope that one of the things we can change this millennium , is a change to the laws concerning art and nude children , so that pornographers can not profit from this, another form of child abuse. Where this may leave the art community at large I don't know , if they never get to photograph naked children again , I personally could care less. 
