It is the goal of pedophile hunters to help identify both perpetrators and victims of child sex abuse and to help law enforcement put a stop to such abuse where ever it may be taking place. To report offenders to the relevant authority in their country where possible, and to drive child porn of the Internet.

A war is being waged against children, in dark and quiet places away from prying eyes. Both Pedophiles and Kiddy Porn peddlers have become more organized , often working together to achieve their goals. With the help of the Internet , they are recruiting new followers , abusing more children , and attempting to desensitize the general community , through so called art pictures , to the true plight of these children.

Help is needed in this fight, we need to make the general community at large realize that war is being waged against their children, a war nobody seems to want to know about because of its unpleasant nature. Looking the other way will not make it go away , it may make some feel better, see no evil , hear no evil , speak no evil. But evil lurks in the shadows, money needs to be raised , more groups like this need to work together , the fight has only just begun , the pedophiles and cp peddlers have a 2 decade head start, they are organized , they have money , and they are dangerous, and they are doing what they do best right now.